Admission Arrangements
School Admissions
All schools within the Durham Dales Federation adhere to the Local Authority policy for school admissions. If you wish to see this, please contact the school at any time and make an appointment.
We have one intake into Reception in September. A child will be admitted into school, when their 5th birthday falls between 1st September and the 31st August. They will start the September of that year.
In the Autumn Term, Durham County Council provides information about how parents can apply for school using their online service. This information is passed on to all of our Nursery children. It is then the responsibility of the parents/carers to ensure that applications are made online or they must request a paper application form from The Admissions Team at Durham Council which is to be returned directly to them before the January deadline.
Visit the Durham County Council website for information regarding the school admission process and primary school admissions. To appeal against an admission decision visit: School admissions-appeals.
Alternatively, you can request a form directly at:
School Admissions
Children & Young People’s Services
County Hall
Tel (0191) 383 4576
You will receive confirmation of a place the following April. If successful, your child will be invited into school during the term previous to starting for induction sessions and you will be invited to an Induction Meeting with the Class Teachers.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Durham Dales Federation offer supported opportunities for all children. If you have any questions about our SEND Local Offer please contact the school and we will try our best to help you.